A follower requested me to paint a "bahay kubo" or nipa hut which is a native house found in the Philippines. This is a 1 hour step by step instruction on how to paint the landscape with the nipa hut. So enjoy watching this full length tutorial and paint with me. Please hit like, comment and subscribe to my channel for more videos.
Thank you for watching!
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Prelude No. 23 by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://chriszabriskie.com/preludes/
Artist: http://chriszabriskie.com/
Hello from Kazakhstan
wow amazing
No so pintor de escuela tal vez por eso me gusran tus videos saludos desde chignahuapan pue. Mex.
muchas gracias señor.
good job sir! idol
great ..i enjoyed watching it.
i would like to learn more.....
that's great!
Excellent work. This Philipines landscape is beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Bravo!
I'm a biginner and i love your paintings but you're too good. I like to watch them but don't dare to try. 🙂 Thanks.
you're welcome... And thank you very much! 🙂
WOW... Is there any prob. if i paint it too? 😍😍😍
welcome.. 🙂
+John magne Lisondra (JMLisondra) thank you 💙💙💙
Feel free Istho... No prob 🙂
very nice
Amazing!!! Any alternatives for lamp black and medium yellow? ( like metallic black, ivory black or yellow ochre, brilliant yellow??)
thank you... yes you can use mettalic and ivory black... yellow ochre and brilliant yellow is good when use together... brilliant yellow is too light and not good to create dark greens so you can use ochre for that.
Belle leçon merci ...
vous êtes les bienvenus ... et je vous remercie pour regarder .
This is really great!! and you are so talented!! Keep it up, really enjoy your tutorials
thank you very much! I am glad you enjoy my tutorials...
John, Thanks you for posting these great tutorials. It's been years since I've painted and you've inspired me to take it up again.
you're welcome.. thank you for watching this video... 🙂
I have watched several of your lessons and really admire your color mixing and attention to detail. Your finished work is very impressive.
Thanks again Jack... I am really glad you like my lessons...
Excellent work
thank you Jack.. 🙂
Philippines looks beautiful hope to visit one of these houses one day! Great lesson as always. Bravo Lisondra
Yes indeed! thank you very much!
vous êtes les bienvenus Monique ... Merci
so proud of you. learned many techniques from your tutorials. thank you.
you're welcome Russel.. thank you for following.
Thank you for taking the time to make these tutorials. I find them very helpful. Your tutorials have helped me a lot with color mixing and highlighting. Continue with the good work and beautiful paintings.
you're welcome sir.. thank you for following my videos... I will upload more...
Ive had this trouble with fan brushes, i now know to use them dry,they need to be loaded with thick undiluted paint, I got 2 fan brushes from youtube artist Kevin Hill website, they work really well.
Welcome, yes always choose synthetic bristle for fan brush not natural hair.
thank you Peter... I try will find hard bristle fan brush here in local art store... I still have problems in buying online...