A follower requested me to paint a "bahay kubo" or nipa hut which is a native house found in the Philippines. This is a 1 hour step by step instruction on how to paint the landscape with the nipa hut. So enjoy watching this full length tutorial and paint with me. Please hit like, comment and subscribe to my channel for more videos.
Thank you for watching!
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Prelude No. 23 by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://chriszabriskie.com/preludes/
Artist: http://chriszabriskie.com/
Your painting is just stunning.😍
Thank you Julie..
mui bonitos tus paisajes amigo lisondra te saludo de Mexico
gracias mi amigo
You are such an incredible talent. Please provide more instruction in your video's about brush strokes.Thanks.
you're welcome... Yes I will.... still having a hard time explaining it in english...
real nice painting John keep up the great vids/
You are a master of light and shadows Mr. Lisondra!! 🙂
thank you so much.. I still have more to learn.
Maganda, great work.
John magne Lisondra Hello po ang ganda po ng gawa nyo ginawa ko po yan sa school at maging maganda ang kinalabasan!!!!!
thank you po.
Thank you ! I like your paintings your a great artist
AMIGO Lisondra
sua telas são lindas e estou apreendendo a pintar. vou seguir seus passos pois você e um mestre. Parabéns e continue assim casa vez melhor
muito obrigado meu amigo.
Thanx for sharing your work. Really enjoy your confidence with the brush. Great work.
Great art great tutorial thank you.......
really excellent john 🙂
thank you khan..
What happened to that fan brush??? What's the brand ?... so I can stay away, hahaha! Anyway, thank you, John. Your bahay kubo is so realistic... one of the best I've ever seen. I think I'll try to paint it next... maybe include a garden with a calachuchi tree and bougainvillas. Really nice!
mali po nabili kong fan brush Maam.. hehe... soft yong nabili ko, so hanap ako ng hard bristle... best buy yong brand pero ung ibang best buy na artist brush maganda naman... hehe Thank you po... maganda naisip nyo na lagyan ng ibang objects like flowers and garden... Good luck po and thanks again.
Very very nice👍👏👏
You're very talented 🙂
Love it brother. I will try to paint this one next. Thanks for uploading this one. I seen your time lapse version. Thanks for putting this one up. You're the best.
you're welcome bro.. thank you so much! Keep it up and happy painting..
Beautiful. Very nice.
una sugerencia para el próximo tema pinta algo más llano. un Valle o algo así ¡¡ cracias jM!!
+John magne Lisondra (JMLisondra) gracias a ti por tu talento!!!
Voy a tratar de que Reme , gracias por lo que sugiere .
I am realy imprest. 😊
ami personal mente me gusta la luz de tus pinturas i la naturaleza está compuesta principal mente de verde ¡¡ no heres un pintor colorista. tú sigue tu inspiración ¡¡cracias p compartirlo!! un saludo desde España
muchas gracias Reme ..
Thank u for your video..