Learn how to paint afternoon scene in a beach with and old tree. In this tutorial, you can learn on painting crashing waves as sea shore.
Thank you for watching!
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Email: magnean18@gmail.com
Prelude No. 23 by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://chriszabriskie.com/preludes/
Artist: http://chriszabriskie.com/
I look forward to your videos, they are very well done and very informative. Thank you again for sharing.
+Kalembastudio You're welcome:) thank you so much sir.. 🙂
Wow! Very nice painting, John. Thank you.
+Bernabe Fernandez Thank you so much!
Good ya.. Keep going.
+Zulfikhar Ali Khan thanks
great job! thank you for sharing that with us! i also like the kikirikoooouu in the backround! 😀 let me ask you...do you use a material on canvas before starting painting?
+Joy Pittura hy thx 4 ur reply....u knw i wish if i cud be a painter like thomas kindley...ha ha ..n i also follow kelvin paintaings but in youtube he has only 3 full videos and others r time lapse videos tht he advertisng 4 selling dvd ...n its not possible to but those 4 everyone...but his paintaings r amazing too...but here john is great cus he has big heart n he is publishing full videos 4 us.....there is another fantastic painter who is igor ....:) be imaginary n stay in a dreamy world.............
khan prince mahmud hi Kahn yes I also like oils and paint with them..Johns methods are great for learning for me as well..I know acrylics are not easy to work with...if you like the style of Bob Ross..wet on wet..the direct method..please have a look at kevinoilpainting on YouTube...his earlier vids are good for beginner's..however..I do believe watching his newer ones and listening to his tips while he paints and technique is great. I learned a lot from him...hope your painting journey is fun....I understand..workshops and school r just not possible for me as well..guess we will get there..thanks to these artists..If I may suggest a book by John Carlson ..everything you need to know about landscapes..it's a great read..if you can get all the concepts in this book..you will be on your way to creating...best wishes
+Joy Pittura thx 4 ur very good explanations tht will help me 4 my further learning of paintaing about acralic though now a days um trying to oil paint follwing bob ross or alexender n others french n russian painers technique...but i think about acralyc here john technique 4 teaching is best in youtube cus its details...n helpful for those who have no opportunities to go to art school r8 now.... 🙂 n thx again joy. tc n peace be upon u 🙂
khan prince mahmud hi Khan..he uses three to four coats of gesso (only) because he uses canvas roll in this video..that needs to be primed with the gesso...if you have a store bought canvas..don't buy the ones in packs that are wrapped and good price..they are not good..I bought a five pack and some were chipped and the texture as well as the entire quality is bad..I think the canvas is a very important product as you want the painting to be archival and also get good results when painting. Having a bad surface such as a bad canvas really will give you difficulties in your painting process...I learned the hard way...I think the best canvas for acrylics is a medium tooth and no need to yes so when you buy them store bought...the manufacters do pre prime the canvas with gesso..if your doing a still life or a portrait the smooth canvas is the way to go...again already pre gessoed when store bought. You can buy the roll and stretch and staple the canvas on a wood support as he did in the intro..explains..or make a frame like the canvas has behind..but it's a lot of work and why if not needed...stretching the canvas you need to know how to as well. I hope this helps...for oils the Bob Ross canvases are best...fedricx brand is good ..although a bit expensive..depends what your intent with your final piece is for..if your starting out..then try to buy a different brand..anyone but the packaged ones..they r worth nothing..lol I hope this helps..happy painting..peace
+John magne Lisondra (JMLisondra) hy john ..i hope u r fine,...do u use gesso before painting? n thx 4 ur another video 🙂
Well done John. A very good lesson. Good luck to you in creativity.
+Алексей БатькавичЪ thank you so much:)
thank u sir jm! 🙂
+Remalynne Golpe you're welcome Rhems
Another great job from a line of works, thank you John !!
+Yoni Rittner you're welcome Yoni... 🙂 thanks for always watching... 🙂
I waited eagerly, thank you for your teaching. from korea
+엄마와 함께하는 유아교육 you're welcome.. thank you for watching.. 🙂
Lovely painting!!!
+Peggy McClain thanks.. 🙂