Learn how to paint sunrise beach with crashing waves and rocky mountains in step by step instructional acrylic painting tutorial. Please hit like, comment and subscribe for more videos.
This was suggested by Joy Pittura... Thank you very much!
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Prelude No. 23 by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://chriszabriskie.com/preludes/
Artist: http://chriszabriskie.com/
Para poder seguirlo, debe hablar en español, sino, que no enseñe
Lo sentimos Fisberto . No puedo hablar español. Tal vez tengo que aprender para enseñar algún día .
I am addicted to your paintings. I have come along way following your techniques. Keep up the great work.
thank you very much!... 🙂
Hi... I'm a beginner with acrylic.. What paper should I use for painting?😥
Thank you😊
Hello Inari... You can use canvas paper, hardboard or canvas... You can also look for canvas pad.
I'm aspiring to be a painter too. And your tutorial videos help me a lot. I'm learning so much.
I am glad you learn from it.
Slow dri
You don't use mediums like liquitex slow drip blending medium?
No I didn't.. I only use water... I have limited art supplies in my local art store.. I didn't find it here...
Dude! Amazing! I learn a lot just by watching you. Several, "WOW! I like the way he did that!" moments. Cheers mate!
Thank you very much Andrew... Cheers.. 🙂
Is it possible to have a reference picture supplied please with your tutorials. I find it much easier to follow along.
The photo is available on my website. Just follow the link: http://www.jmlisondra.com/artworks/photo/43f36e7657f337674de40158e030ab64
really good ur a very good teacher. What brand of paint are you using?
thank you very much! I'm using mostly Reeves and sometimes Liquitix Basics
Great painting..
i learning from your painting ..
my astagram is
i pant like thess Acrylic Landscape Painting Lesson - House Beside the Waterfalls by JMLisondra
thank you very much! I will see it on your instagram...
Thank you so much. I am doing a painting with a beach in it and I never even thought about how to do the foam and bubbles. This was very helpful.
Great!! you are very talented!!! Thank you soooo much for sharing your talent
you're welcome.. thank you for following... 🙂
great video you are an excellent teacher
Your amazing!! I don't know whos better you or Kevin Hill.... !
John magne Lisondra your welco.. lol....I don't know John...I think some of your paintings are better!
Thank you.. I think he's better than me.
Beautiful painting! Thanks for sharing how to paint it.
you're welcome... and thank you.
Great painting it is very helpful when you tell us the color shades you using thank you so much.
you're welcome... thank you for following..:)
Dear Mr. Lisondra.
I have to ask you a question,:
in your painting ( Sunrise Beach) you tell us, that you are using burned sienna, but to me it look like a burned umber you are using..
The sienna is more red, and the umber more brown.
Please tell me if I'm wrong
+John magne Lisondra (JMLisondra) Thank you very much😀
Hello sir Per. Yes! I am using burnt sienna. I think it seems darker on the video... And maybe because of some lighting effects on the video. I can't really explain it. Thank you for your question sir.
great work..
Thank you so much! your a great artist!
I would love to try to paint this one I'm a little intimidated but listening to you and watching you it seems I can is this a 16X20 ?
It will be a good idea if you try this one... It's 14 x 18 inches... Yes you can do it on 16x20.