Learn how to paint a cherry tree which has a pink flowers. In this tutorial you will learn on painting the basic of a cherry blossom tree like it's pink flowers and dark trunk. Please hit like, add some comments and subscribe for more videos.
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Background Music:
Prelude No. 23 by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://chriszabriskie.com/preludes/
Artist: http://chriszabriskie.com/
Intro Template: https://www.youtube.com/user/IntrosYou
Pero sin duda se muy. M pero muy hermoso!!!!
Nunca he visto un árbol de ése color por acá en México
Solo los números 1, 0, 00, 000, 0000, 00000, y 0000000
Por acà en mi localidad no existen los pinceles con números nónes. Solo puros pares.. Solo los encuentra una en los números de pinceles pequeños. De cada forma
Thank you, I had to paint for a school project and I wanted to make something simple that looks good (because I have never painted before)
Hi John,simply beautiful i really admire your work I especially love how you articulate in your paintings. Thank you for sharing your time and your experience,you are very talented.
Bài hit làm mưa làm gió một thời của chị Bảo Thy. Cám ơn Đức Phúc mang nó trở lại với màu sắc mới ❤️❤️❤️
chúc đại gia đình hạnh phúc và thành công hơn nữa nhé. Thấy gia đình thầy Lộc trọn vẹn như vầy là quá vui
It’s beautiful😍
A beautiful Cherry blossom tree! Your tutorial was a great help, showing how to paint a Cherry blossom tree correctly. I have previously used acyrilic paint on canvas several times to paint the trees but was never happy with the results and knew I was doing something wrong. Now I know why! You have shown the correct method in your painting. Thank you so much!
Amazing. Thank you. Doing a mural and needed some help
Wow beautiful
the best!
Great tutorial John🙏
Beautiful depth!
Can I follow this tutorial with oil paint
Yes, it will work with oils
I like your technique
You are a great teacher 👨🏫