Looking for a step-by-step guide to painting a beautiful acrylic landscape? Look no further than this tutorial by JMLisondra!
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In this video, you'll learn how to paint a stunning Nipa Hut House using acrylic paints and some basic techniques.
JMLisondra is an experienced artist with a passion for creating beautiful landscapes, and in this tutorial, he shares his knowledge and skills with you. With clear instructions and easy-to-follow demonstrations, you'll be able to create a masterpiece of your own in no time.
Whether you're a beginner or an experienced painter, this tutorial has something for everyone. So grab your paints and get ready to create a stunning acrylic landscape painting that you can be proud of!
Acrylic Paint Colors:
Titanium white
Phthalo Blue / Ultramarine Blue / Primary Blue
Brilliant Red / Primary Red / Cadmium Red
Medium Yellow / Primary Yellow
Raw Umber / Burnt Umber / Burnt Sienna
Buy Acrylic Paints-https://www.amazon.com/shop/artofjohnmagnelisondra?listId=1YT4AOWM9Q1JQ
Number 12 Nylon Flat Brush (Long Handle)
Number 8 Nylon Flat Brush (Long Handle)
Number 7 Nylon Flat Brush (Short Handle)
Number 3 Nylon Flat Brush (Short Handle)
Number 0 Nylon Liner Brush or Round Brush
or No. 1, 00, 000 (Short Handle)
Buy Brushes-https://www.amazon.com/shop/artofjohnmagnelisondra?listId=1KM0N75JINIIV
Buy Canvas-https://www.amazon.com/shop/artofjohnmagnelisondra?listId=1V0Y42W9SBO90
Buy Easel-https://www.amazon.com/shop/artofjohnmagnelisondra?listId=2O3YWTUQNZTGI
Thank you for watching!
Recommended Art Materials: https://www.jmlisondra.com/blog/v/Recommended_Art_Materials_Availabe_at_Amazon
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How to Start Acrylic Painting:
- How to Make Canvas: https://youtu.be/YnHy3OAE9b0
- Basic Color Mixing Using 5 Limited Colors: https://youtu.be/uMxssCDdFoE
- 3 Ways to Blend Acrylic Paints: https://youtu.be/_LRaGew8axw
- How to Paint Lights and Shadows: https://youtu.be/CoSVkwsfHYs
- Color Mixing to Match the Reference: https://youtu.be/nueLUZxvxS8
How to Paint Trees:
How to Paint Flowers:
How to Paint Mountains:
Portrait Painting Tutorials:
- How to Paint Realistic Portrait: https://youtu.be/jRDeqLY2p8E
- How to Paint Realistic Eye: https://youtu.be/kAlDWoKg5DE
- How to Paint Realistic Lips: https://youtu.be/O6BTg31AtAU
- Portrait of Beautiful Lady Tutorial: https://youtu.be/4oL8q1yqxHo
Beach Painting Tutorials:
- How to Paint Realistic Beach with Crashing Waves: https://youtu.be/NtDf4_BLQp4
- How to Paint Tropical Beach: https://youtu.be/2YnmrEQVsXc
- How to Paint Moonlight over the Beach: https://youtu.be/qStcu8VpTmw
Houses, Cabins and Barns Acrylic Painting Tutorials:
- How to PaintItalian Villa and Flower Garden Painting Tutorial: https://youtu.be/SU0Av7_tcyE
- How to Paint Concrete Old Houses Near the Beach: https://youtu.be/PscMq6M0uow
- How to Paint House in Forest: https://youtu.be/o4CcFbMemYU
- How to Paint Villages Houses: https://youtu.be/Td_k6PL3un8
and Many more on my Youtube Channel
Background Music:
Prelude No. 23 by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://chriszabriskie.com/preludes/
Artist: http://chriszabriskie.com/
Aakashi Gandhi For Background Music
#painting #acrylicpainting #acrylic #acrylicpaintingtutorial #acrylictutorial #artlesson #art #artwork #jmlisondra #jmlisondraArts #johnmagnelisondra #landscape #landscapepainting
Gracias maestro 😁👍
You inspire me to create more paintings
Lovely painting John ! Thanks a lot for sharing 😉💞
I just love ur paintings bro, & mi also try to copy ur paintings, mi already try तो copy ur paintings more than 40 paintings. i want to show my paintings to u, so please msg mi ur watsapp number Thanks.
Mi from INDIA,,,,🇮🇳
You are a great artist!!
Would you please repaint the yellow flower in a glass of water.May be you paint it in 2011.
its my request from Bangladesh ❤
Pintas muy bonito thanks
Thank you , master. I am learning and gaining inspiration to push through in my painting hobby.
Hi, Mr. Lisondra, how to smoothing the new brushes?
Just drowning in the water or something else?
So beautiful, thanks. South Africa.
Drowing poster
Teve xwes 👍
Please tell me canvas size
Can you please do more tutorials on animal paintings. I tried your tiger and elephant came out really well. Your explanation while teaching really helps. Thanks much🙏
He publishes tutorials, gives a lot of his time just for "thank you ", and you still tell him what to do ? Very rude.....
this is really amazing 😊❤️ I do paintings too please guys support me! 🥰
Are you sure you have same our hands, I don't think so maybe you have golden hands.
I love you John ❤️
thank you Jaafar Ali 😊
Hut is Looking Very Beautiful and Realistic
Very Beautiful 😍😍😍