Tutorial : How to Paint Summer Landscape in Acrylics / JMLisondra


Welcome to my channel! In this video, I will guide you through the process of painting a stunning summer landscape using acrylics.
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Join me as we capture the beauty of the season and create a vibrant artwork that will transport you to a serene summer setting.

Throughout this full tutorial demonstration, I will share valuable tips, techniques, and step-by-step instructions to help you master acrylic painting. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced artist looking to expand your skills, this tutorial is perfect for you.

Discover the joy of painting as we explore various elements of a summer landscape, from lush greenery to vibrant flowers and a brilliant blue sky. Watch as the colors blend and come to life on the canvas, creating a picturesque scene that will awaken your creativity.

Joining me in this artistic journey is JMLisondra, a renowned artist known for his incredible talent and expertise in acrylic painting. Together, we will unveil the secrets behind his mesmerizing artwork and provide insights into his unique artistic style.

Acrylic Paint Colors:

Titanium white
Phthalo Blue / Ultramarine Blue / Primary Blue
Brilliant Red / Primary Red / Cadmium Red
Medium Yellow / Primary Yellow
Raw Umber / Burnt Umber / Burnt Sienna
Buy Acrylic Paints-https://www.amazon.com/shop/artofjohnmagnelisondra?listId=1YT4AOWM9Q1JQ


Number 12 Nylon Flat Brush (Long Handle)
Number 8 Nylon Flat Brush (Long Handle)
Number 7 Nylon Flat Brush (Short Handle)
Number 3 Nylon Flat Brush (Short Handle)
Number 0 Nylon Liner Brush or Round Brush
or No. 1, 00, 000 (Short Handle)
Buy Brushes-https://www.amazon.com/shop/artofjohnmagnelisondra?listId=1KM0N75JINIIV
Buy Canvas-https://www.amazon.com/shop/artofjohnmagnelisondra?listId=1V0Y42W9SBO90
Buy Easel-https://www.amazon.com/shop/artofjohnmagnelisondra?listId=2O3YWTUQNZTGI

Buy my Original Paintings: https://www.jmlisondra.com/shop/

Thank you for watching!

Recommended Art Materials: https://www.jmlisondra.com/blog/v/Recommended_Art_Materials_Availabe_at_Amazon

Become my Patron: https://www.patreon.com/jmlisondra

Frequently Ask Questions: https://www.jmlisondra.com/blog/v/Frequently_Asked_Questions_FAQ_-_Painting_Related

Website: www.jmlisondra.com
FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/jmlisondraArts
FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/paintwithJMLisondra
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Email: magnean18@gmail.com

Donate: https://www.paypal.me/jmlisondraArt

How to Start Acrylic Painting:
- How to Make Canvas: https://youtu.be/YnHy3OAE9b0
- Basic Color Mixing Using 5 Limited Colors: https://youtu.be/uMxssCDdFoE
- 3 Ways to Blend Acrylic Paints: https://youtu.be/_LRaGew8axw
- How to Paint Lights and Shadows: https://youtu.be/CoSVkwsfHYs
- Color Mixing to Match the Reference: https://youtu.be/nueLUZxvxS8

How to Paint Trees:

How to Paint Flowers:

How to Paint Mountains:

Portrait Painting Tutorials:
- How to Paint Realistic Portrait: https://youtu.be/jRDeqLY2p8E
- How to Paint Realistic Eye: https://youtu.be/kAlDWoKg5DE
- How to Paint Realistic Lips: https://youtu.be/O6BTg31AtAU
- Portrait of Beautiful Lady Tutorial: https://youtu.be/4oL8q1yqxHo

Beach Painting Tutorials:
- How to Paint Realistic Beach with Crashing Waves: https://youtu.be/NtDf4_BLQp4
- How to Paint Tropical Beach: https://youtu.be/2YnmrEQVsXc
- How to Paint Moonlight over the Beach: https://youtu.be/qStcu8VpTmw

Houses, Cabins and Barns Acrylic Painting Tutorials:
- How to PaintItalian Villa and Flower Garden Painting Tutorial: https://youtu.be/SU0Av7_tcyE
- How to Paint Concrete Old Houses Near the Beach: https://youtu.be/PscMq6M0uow
- How to Paint House in Forest: https://youtu.be/o4CcFbMemYU
- How to Paint Villages Houses: https://youtu.be/Td_k6PL3un8

and Many more on my Youtube Channel

Background Music:

Prelude No. 23 by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://chriszabriskie.com/preludes/
Artist: http://chriszabriskie.com/


Aakashi Gandhi For Background Music

#painting #acrylicpainting #paintingtutorial

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39 comments on “Tutorial : How to Paint Summer Landscape in Acrylics / JMLisondra”

  1. جميل جدا سأجرب ارسم مثلها 🫣👏👏👏👏🇮🇶🇮🇶🇮🇶🇮🇶💖💫🥰

  2. Olá boa dia! mestre John!
    Suas pinturas são lindíssimas, maravilhosas, adoro...
    Muito Obrig. ❤️🙏🥰
    Por partilhar seus conhecimentos e talento, parabéns...👏👌⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    Já fiz algumas releituras, das suas pinturas.
    Gostaria mestre John, até de lhe poder, enviar algumas dessas minhas pinturas, para que me desse uma avaliação... Pf. 🙏❤️
    Começei aos 63 anos, foi no tempo de pandemia, mas começei com tinta a óleo, e é com tinta a óleo que tenho continuado, mas é muito, muito difícil, é preciso muita persistência e não dezanimar e gostar-se muito,e eu adoro só acho que descobri um pouco tarde...
    Será que o pintor, mestre, professor John, que para mim é um dos melhores que encontrei por aqui no YouTube pf. 🙏❤️🥰Poderia pintar mais com tinta a óleo?
    Saudações aqui da Alemanha 🇩🇪
    Mas meu País ❤️é PORTUGAL🇵🇹
    Com o meu agradecimento de já pela atenção...🙏❤️🥰
    Pf. Desculpe o texto ser um pouco longo..

  3. Putting a waterfall in front of a house, is NOT appropriate or right, because a waterfall should come from a mountain and not from the sides of the house.. A brook or small body of water will be okay, but a waterfall is VERY unusual in the real world.. You have destroyed the real concept of the realistic picture. Thank you..

    1. Mr. John Lisondra, your painting is amazing. I like it very much. Have a hope one day, I too would be able to paint like this.

      I completely accept your reply to the comment. But I think that the landscape would have been realistic, if you have placed the house on a big hill.

    2. Yeah. I too thought the same. But the artist has his own freedom to create anything in his world.
      I was scrolling through the comments to see anyone had the same thoughts as me. Happy to find your comment. Like the artist we have our own freedom to retain our views.

    3. I imagine the house up on a mountain and a lake runs in front of the house and the waterfall is closer to us.... which is VERY REAL and NOT UNUSUAL in the REAL world!
      So please Sir, kindly shut your mouth and keep your shitty and unwanted comments to yourself 😁
      Have the day you deserve 🤨🙎‍♀️

    4. The good about a painting is that you can imagine and create your own world. İt can be far from being real, it can be ubsurd. But it is how we can share a little adventure that we create using our own imagination. Everything can be possible in a painting which is impossible in a real world. By the way house with a waterfall beside it, is not impossible. You can see it in real life. You can even search it on google...

  4. Mixing colors correctly is my biggest problem with doing your tutorials. My rushing doesn't help either. I can stop at certain points but I find it challenging. Any suggestions I would appreciate. Your work is outstanding. I've finished four of your tutorials and my family loves your artwork. I love how you are very relaxed doing your tutorials. You are my favorite

Video Galleries
Tutorial : Acrylic Landscape Painting / Man on Mountain Ledge / JMLisondra
TUTORIAL : Painting Sunsets in Acrylics | Landscape with a River | JMLisondra
LIVE - Acrylic Painting / Sailboat in the Storm / FULL TUTORIAL / JMLisondra
My Acrylic Painting Process / JMLisondra
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