5 Tutorials for Beginners on How to Start Acrylic Painting


Painting tutorials for beginners on how to start acrylic painting. This video is a guide for beginners and to those who decided to try acrylic painting. For me, this are the most basic way if you haven't tried acrylic painting and you're hesitant to use it, you can follow the 5 basic way to do it. You can skip the first one in which you will create your own canvas because you can buy canvasses from art store and galleries. For this video you can learn mixing by using 5 limited colors on palette, blending of colors, matching from reference and making highlights and shadows. My advice is to keep practicing how to use your brushes and how to mix. Good luck everyone and happy painting! Please don't forget to subscribe!

5 Basic Tutorials for Beginners to Start Acrylic Painting

1. How to make your own canvas. https://youtu.be/YnHy3OAE9b0
2. Basic color mixing using 5 limited colors. https://youtu.be/uMxssCDdFoE
3. 3 ways to blend. https://youtu.be/_LRaGew8axw
4. Color mixing to match the reference. https://youtu.be/nueLUZxvxS8
5. How to paint lights and shadows. https://youtu.be/CoSVkwsfHYs

Acrylic Paint Colors:

Titanium white
Phthalo Blue / Ultramarine Blue / Primary Blue
Brilliant Red / Primary Red / Cadmium Red
Medium Yellow / Primary Yellow
Raw Umber / Burnt Umber / Burnt Sienna

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64 comments on “5 Tutorials for Beginners on How to Start Acrylic Painting”

  1. I want to do more in Acrylics.. But I love watercolours more.. Its transparency makes feel me stick to it..

  2. Like 137.. Thank you so so much dear sir.. U r an inspiration of mine... u always make painting easy as possible for us.. U can't even think how much this helpful to us.. Lots of respect sir💟💟💟💟💟

  3. Hello John. I'm a big fan of urs. Hats off to ur talent..I want to ask u if we can paint on an MDF board without applying gesso or primer.

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