Acrylic Landscape Painting Lesson - Cherry Blossoms on Sunset by JMLisondra


Learn how to paint sunset painting with trees of cherry blossoms. It's a step by step tutorial using acrylic. Good luck and have fun painting. Please hit like, add some comments and subscribe for more videos.

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Prelude No. 23 by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

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146 comments on “Acrylic Landscape Painting Lesson - Cherry Blossoms on Sunset by JMLisondra”

  1. is that primary red yellow and blue you are using? if so, i have primary yellow but not red or blue. is there a color that is mostly similar to primary blue? i could substitute the red for cadimum red medium i guess. and is the white and black u are using titanium white and ivory black? thanks for this tutorial. I'm so going to use it as a guide for my art project. thanks so much. you have a wonderful talent

    1. you're welcome.. Yes all of it are primary like colors... I used medium yellow, brilliant red and phthalo blue, you can use cadmium red, primary red, taloudine red, primary yellow, hanza yellow, ultramarine blue and primary blue. Yes it's titanium white and you can also use ivory black, I used lamp black. it's the same

  2. This is soooo cooool!!! Amazing! 👏🌸👏👍❤👍
    Can't believed that I've watch it till the end. Worth to watch ♡☆♡

  3. Thank you so much for sharing, it is wonderful to have access to art tuition for the full length, not just snippets and then having to pay for the rest. Talent such as yours is gratefully appreciated that you give your time for free to help others. 🙂

  4. Hey John, do you use a reference to do your painting or you can just visualize what you want to paint? This is beautiful and I don't think I can paint something this beautiful without a tutorial. This will be my next painting to do. Can you paint orchids in the future? Thanks again for inspiring me to learn how to paint.

    1. you're welcome Rose. On my landscape paintings I don't have reference on them. Since I paint landscapes since the start of my painting career. I already get used to it. Just keep painting landscapes with or without a tutorial or a reference, in the future you don't need tutorials or reference to do it anymore. Yes orchids might be a good subject, I will include that in my future lists... 🙂 thank you Rose

  5. John, thanks again for the great tutorial and demonstration. By the way, from what I know, the numbers on the brushes are different for every brand, they are not universal sizes. So a #2 flat brush can be #10 for a different brand, and the same size

    1. you're welcome Michael... thank you.. Yes you are definitely right. The problem is I do not know the maximum sizes of my brushes. Maybe you just have to compare the size as I describe it on the video. Sorry about it. I need to research more on the brushes I used.

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Tutorial : Acrylic Landscape Painting / Man on Mountain Ledge / JMLisondra
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