Acrylic Landscape Painting Lesson - Mountain Road by JMLisondra


Learn how to paint Mountain Road landscape painting using acrylic. This is a step by step instructional painting tutorial. Easy guide for beginner artist. Please feel free to like, comment and subscribe for more video.

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215 comments on “Acrylic Landscape Painting Lesson - Mountain Road by JMLisondra”

  1. I've seen some tutorials from other people. They mostly start paiting the entire canvas with a background color. May i ask why you just start sketching right away, without painting the canvas with an undercolor. Thanks 🙂

    1. you're welcome... The sketched can be covered with the background color. I will start to plan what to do by doing the sketch before starting painting and my first coat is my undercolor.

  2. thank you for all of your tutorials, they are very helpful to me, a beginner.  Where did you find the "scattered bristle brush? or did you create it yourself?  Can I create one?thank you.

    1. ok.... thank you... I will add the red and I may have a brush that is already frayed. I love you work. I think that following a few of your paintings will certainly help to improve my skills...  Thanks again....

    2. hello Jada... Don't smash the brush too much... Just a little scattered bristle is enough. When you make the light green, add a little red on it... it will become grayish and matured. And make sure it is lighter than the background color...

    3. thank you very much for your response. I will try to create one... by leaving in water for a while and then try smashing in a way to scatter the bristles. I am trying to paint this beautiful scene but having trouble getting the color right for the large forest area.  The foundation color is okay but the green color reflecting the forestry of trees.  You said in the video that it should be light green, but looking at your picture (on my monitor), the color seems to be a greyish color.  What colors did you use to create the color?  Your help with this will be greatly appreciated.  Thank you, Jada

    4. +Jadalee Lee you're welcome.. and I am glad that it helps you... 🙂 If you have old brushes don't throw it away especially the flat ones... When you used it often the bristles will scattered and it will become more usable for painting leaves. You can actually create one.... You just have to ruin its bristle or scatter it to become more like on mine.

  3. Love your lessons, thank you. How wet or dry is your brush for painting trees/shrubs on the left mountain and trees on the right?

    1. +Katie you're welcome... Not so wet and not so dry... If it feels so sticky then I add a little amount of water or dip the tip to make it wet a little.

  4. thank you for making painting look so easy, unbelievable. I love painting, and you make me love it even more. looking forward to use some of your tips, thanks again.

  5. You made a comment about the brush you were using for the foreground colors in the grass... I am trying this painting because I lOVE your painting. Thank you so much for giving us a peek at a pro at work. Is there a place we can also find out what brushes you are using??

    1. +Dianne Janak You're welcome. Thank you for watching my videos. I just buy my brushes on regular bookstore and art store here in the Philippines... I will try to find it online and recommend it to you.

  6. hy john thx 4 uploading all ur videos cus it will help us who have no option to go to art school...n u did it cus of ur big heart 🙂 in future plz do upload ur more details oil paintaings work plz god bless u

    1. +khan prince mahmud you're welcome... thanks for watching... yes I will upload oil painting tutorials in the future... God bless you too.. 🙂

    1. +John magne Lisondra (JMLisondra)
      Oh, well, thank you for finding a way to share your art with English speaking people like me!

    2. Sorry about that... I just cant use my voice because my accent is not really good and sometimes my grammar fails. I also can't speak straight english.

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Tutorial : Acrylic Landscape Painting / Man on Mountain Ledge / JMLisondra
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