Acrylic Painting Lesson - Dog Portrait "Pekingese" by JMLisondra


This is a full video tutorial on how to paint a Pekingese dog. It is my first time creating a pet portrait demo. There are minor issues like auto focus and auto exposure.. Just enjoy the demonstration.

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152 comments on “Acrylic Painting Lesson - Dog Portrait "Pekingese" by JMLisondra”

  1. absolutely beautiful ! your a wonderful teacher, thank you so much for all the fabulous video's, very much appreciated. please, please do more people and animals, love, peace and happiness

  2. Thank you!! This is one of the best dog portrait tutorials I have seen. Very nice! I've subscribed; looking forward to watching more of your videos. Thanks for sharing your talent with the world!

    1. same her John! love youre painting and dog is fabulous..was looking for inspiration,to learn to paint dogs-cos wanna attempt to paint mines,so ty a lot for this grate class.Keep up good works comming and likes,subscribtions,coments are garanted to you..Good luck with all and arts 😉

    1. thank you... You just have to keep on retouching it to make it look like your chihuahua...

  3. I usually stick to timelapse speed painting landscape oil painting on my channel, but u are so wonderful! love the dog!:)

  4. beautiful painting !!   so glad I found your channel.   I am having a great time watching all your videos. you are a inspiration !!

  5. Hello, I heard you are from Phillipinnes? They have this animal there called a Tarsier and they are cutest animals ever. I wish you would paint one of these or other wildlife from Phillipinnes. I am an animal lover. And this painting of this dog is very cute! Realistic too, thanks for the lesson.0

    1. Yes, I am from the Philippines... And Tarsier are indeed very cute but sadly I never saw it on actual. Thank you so much. Yes! I will to paint Tarsier in the future.. Thank you for suggesting... That might be very good too..

  6. so awsome will you paint hydrangea thank you I'm so glad your painting an putting out tutorials sorry about your little boss their family it's so painful to lose them

    1. you're welcome Debbie... That's a very nice flower.. hope I can find some reference without looking at google because some of the photos are copyrighted... Yes, it's been with them for more than 6 years... Very painful indeed.

  7. Thanks so much for uploading, I watch all your tutorials and really learn a lot. perhaps in thefuture a landscape in oils?

  8. He is very cute, beautiful done. Thank you. It looks so easy but it is not. Hope I can do my white maltese!

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