Acrylic Painting Lesson - How to Paint Afternoon Clouds by JM Lisondra


Learn how to paint yellow-orange clouds that can only be seen during sunset or sunrise. It's a step by step painting demonstration using acrylic and can be done by beginners. Please hit like, add some comments and subscribe for future videos.

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Prelude No. 23 by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

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63 comments on “Acrylic Painting Lesson - How to Paint Afternoon Clouds by JM Lisondra”

  1. Hey John! Thank you for doing this painting .But I think its a bit to fast . And that's okay its helped me a lot! Just keep doing more for people like me and others:-D

  2. Wow!! That tapping technique along with the layers really adds body and depth to those clouds John. At first I thought it was not going to do well. After you finished it it really came out beautiful. Thanks John !
    Your art has really been kicked up a few notches.. great job.

  3. This is just what I've been looking for! Thank you! And I appreciate that it is a calm, quiet tutorial. So many have annoying music and silly continuous chatter going on. This is just perfect. I'm about to watch this again, only this time, painting along. Thank you again!

  4. You're quite good at demonstrating how to create the illusion of atmospheric depth and use of a basic limited palette to make many hues and tones. Thanks for doing this and you too, enjoy your painting today, as we all will. What an inspiration you are! Thank you.

  5. Beautiful, clouds! By plan is to include an airplane in my scene.  My question is, on the lower part of the canvas, is that part of the sky?

  6. thank you so much for your videos. I still find it super amazing that you only use limited colors and little amount of paint. This makes painting more possible for beginners and those with tight budget! I have been feeling intimidated by artist tutorials that use professional grade paints and various mediums. Super impressed with your mastery of colors and shading. I have seen most of yoir videos and love them all!

    If possible, can you make a painting series that will only take 30 mins or less? Like your simple tree painting? Thanks for considering my request.

    You are such a talented artist!

    1. you're welcome Jed... Yes I will be planning to that in future.. To add more videos for beginners.. thank you very much for suggesting.

  7. Perfect timing, John! I'm painting a seascape... a sunset scene with a very tiny boatman silhouetted against multi-colored gigantic clouds. Similar ang clouds natin, haha! Nice!

Video Galleries
Tutorial : Acrylic Landscape Painting / Man on Mountain Ledge / JMLisondra
TUTORIAL : Painting Sunsets in Acrylics | Landscape with a River | JMLisondra
LIVE - Acrylic Painting / Sailboat in the Storm / FULL TUTORIAL / JMLisondra
My Acrylic Painting Process / JMLisondra
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