Learn how to paint basic rocks the easiest way. 5 different forms of rocks and how I painted them. This tutorial is also for the beginners who are having struggles in painting them. So watch and if you like it please hit like, add some comments and subscribe for more videos and visit my website for more paintings.
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Prelude No. 23 by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://chriszabriskie.com/preludes/
Artist: http://chriszabriskie.com/
Gracias por su explicación me fue de gran ayuda.
De nada .. gracias por ver
Amazing! So realistic. Would like to see rocks/boulders with water cascading over/around them.
Thank you.. I love to try that... maybe in the future videos...
Great Lesson,good Job.Very helpfull 🙂
Thank you.
you're welcome sir.
insane!!! grt vid ty!
I am so bad at painting rocks.. it took me an hour to paint one rock! Thx for the tutorial
you're welcome... 🙂
Thank you John. What timing! We are remodeling a house and i want a rock fireplace but the $$ is just not there yet. Right now the fireplace is just flat wood that i thought after sanding would be a great surface to paint on... I thought i would try to paint the rocks on. Big leap of faith here since i have very little to no experience painting rocks. Hopefully they won't look silly . I think you helped me out alot here. Thanks so much. Hugs! deb
Yes do the outline and texture first before painting...
Thanks so much John and IS 2 .......Would you just put the texture on all over first then break it into individual stones or would you try to outline the stones you want first then add the texture? I'm nervous to do this can you tell?? lol But if i can even just get it close to right i think it will look awesome! 🙂 Hugs! deb
You're welcome Deb. That's a great idea! Or you can add a little textures like adding some modeling paste as what IS 2 suggested. Or you may use permatix or classitix for the textures which a lot cheaper and you can find it on local hardwares. You can do the textures first before adding the paints.
You get a big thumbs up John,the rocks are amazing.would you think about doing a bird(feather)tutorial?
Hello Judy.. thank you very much! Sounds interesting I would love to try that...
Can you pant those rocks the pebbles under water?? Like in a creek bed. You are a great teacher I like your pace🎨🎨🎨
Yes! I'm gonna try that. Thanks for suggesting... 🙂
Excellent than you !!!
thank you... 🙂
I'll definitely be using this in the future. You ROCK! 🙂
A much needed tutorial because I struggle with rocks. Was not able to find any lesson on how to paint rocks, so Thank you very much for this tutorial!
you're welcome... thank you very much for watching this video...
brother. I swear to God you read my mind. I was thinking of sending you a message and to ask you if you could please make a video on how to paint rocks and mountains. You are the best. Thanks so much brother. You are number one.
you're very welcome bro.. This a good coincidence... This video might be what you need. Thank you very much.. 🙂
awesome thanks so much
you're welcome.. and thank you for watching,
this will help lots of people who are new learners these little things make a huge difference in a painting .you explain so nicely and in detail i me so happy that i come across your channel there's always something new and great to learn thank you so much for the help you r giving to beginners like me 👍🏻
you're welcome... I remember the time when I was on my early months and years of painting.. I was struggling to paint rocks and some other simple things in painting like tree leaves, trunks, clouds etc... So here it is. I am painting them now and giving more focus so that others will not struggle as what I've experience before... Thank you for following.. 🙂
John your the best!! Wow, I haven't watched yet..but thanks so much for this lesson on rocks. I have been looking for lessons on rocks and cannot find any for almost a yr now. A big thanks from the states.
you're very welcome... I just listened to my subscribers what they are suggesting. And here it is. So I wanna say thank you also for being part of this channel... 🙂