Acrylic Painting Lesson - Portrait of a Woman by JMLisondra


Learn how to paint the basic portrait painting of a woman using acrylic. If you want to try painting this you can download the full photo of this tutorial and you can use it as the reference. You can view it here:

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148 comments on “Acrylic Painting Lesson - Portrait of a Woman by JMLisondra”

  1. Hola! eres super bno en esto de la pintura. yo te encontré hoy por 1ra vez así q estaré disfrutando tus tutoriales. yo pinto un poquito,mi deseo es pintar portaits,para poder pintar a mi hijo q fue al cielo,tenia perlesia cerebral. me sonreí porq vi la fecha del posteo y dice abril 13, 2016 y un abril 13,nació el precisamente. yo he pintado algún portrait,pero verdaderamente me interesa aprender mucho más. ya te tengo admiración. Dios Bendiga tu Talento!

    1. He utilizado el traductor de google para otro idioma . Utilice una mejor lienzo para la pintura.

    2. Q bueno q habla espanol! Hooray! Arriba los Artistas q convierten un canvas en blanco ,en algo Maravilloso!

    3. Gracias Elsie y lo siento acerca de lo que sucederá en su hijo . Eso sería una buena idea para pintarlo . Me alegro de que haya encontrado mi canal . Por favor, mantenga la pintura . 🙂

  2. sir do you use acrylic retainer? and did you use gesso to make the surface smooth?? no matter what i do i am not able to blend the colors well...they become patchy!! do you do something to the brush that you use to paint the leaves of a tree? because i cant find any brush that will give a texture like that of yours! please suggest.

    1. actually it is normal if this is your first time painting the landscapes... I also encounter that problem before... All you have to do is to keep exploring and trying using that brush, you will discover how to make it work like you want to... And maybe try to use brushes with hard bristles.. It will scatter more than the soft ones...

    2. the brush would scatter but after i work on it, the brush regains its normal flat position...unlike yours which stays still for a long time

    3. Hi... No i didn't use any retainer or retarder, I only use water and I wet the brush everytime it feels hard to make a stroke. Make sure it's not too wet, just enough to make it flow on canvas. And yes I use gesso to make the surface smooth with 3 coats...For my leaves of tree, I only used flat synthetic brush numbers 6 and up... Make sure it is not so dry and not so wet, just enough to make the textures of the leaves. And make the brush toe scatter a little bit to create such textures...

  3. Yeah... I found it..... your major works are in acrylic... have any oil painting vude of you?

    One more thing, i have a question. you use water as a medium for aclylic, is it somehow possible to use linsees oil as medium for acrylic as we us in oil paintings??

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