Acrylic Seascape Painting Lesson - Old Tree in the Beach in Step by Step Tutorial by JMLisondra


Learn how to paint afternoon scene in a beach with and old tree. In this tutorial, you can learn on painting crashing waves as sea shore.

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94 comments on “Acrylic Seascape Painting Lesson - Old Tree in the Beach in Step by Step Tutorial by JMLisondra”

  1. Just followed your tutorial, I love it!! You give good instructions and I feel like I learned a lot. Thanks for posting this and I look forward to learning more from your tutorials.

    1. +Adrienne Jones you're welcome.. thanks for watching my tutorials... and thanks for compliments...

  2. Very nice achieve very smooth blends..and nice hue mixing..great depth in the clouds..your very talented...thanks for the detailed lessons..tutorials..hope you continue to do more and have success...wish you did oils..but I am learning as any method works for any medium...thanks...luv the rooster..feels like I am there...

    1. +Joy Pittura you're welcome... and thank you so much! I will do more lessons in the future. I always do oils in my serious paintings... and I will do lessons in oil in the future. As for the beginners who wan't to learn painting, I like them to start with acrylics. Its the most easy way for me. Yeah! roosters are from my neighbors. We love chickens here. 🙂 thanks again.

    2. +Joy Pittura i luv tht rooster too it makes me nostalgic whn i used to live in a country side during my childhood n woke up by rooster shouting 😛

  3. You are so good! Please, tell me, do you use something to improve the flow of the paint? Because mine dries so fast and becomes sticky and not flowing. Sometimes, when I use more water, it makes holes in the layer that is under .Thanks for sharing! B.t.w. your trees speak!

    1. +MrsPipistrella you're welcome... Yes! I used water to improve the flow and if it dried just add a little water on the tip of the brush. Let it dry first before adding another coat or layer of paint that is why it makes holes in the layer because the paint still wet. thank you for watching... 🙂

  4. Hi! Thank you so much for your videos, I enjoy them very much, except for the sound, it is almost impossible to hear you. Can you please do something about it so that we can hear you better? There's hardly any sound, so we do not know what you are saying. Thanks!

    1. +cuca1957 You're welcome... and I apologized for the poor sound. That's really my problem since I started posting videos. But I'll do my best on my next videos to make it clearer and easily understood. Thank you for watching.

    1. +Comrade Morlac you're welcome.. 🙂 most of my works are from imagination including this one...

  5. John you are so good, I like your water shading, and cloud work, kkep these up they are so informative........Great Work to a great artist....Muzza

  6. Hi John, another great tutorial thank you very much.Do you dilute the paint only with water as opposed to acrylic retarder gel which I read on the web makes the paint stay wet longer and if you only use water is it a very small amount?

    thank you Ian

    1. +ian shovlin you're welcome... yes I only use water and yes in a small amount. but you can use retarder gel for longer drying time. its still up to you... and I think its better...

  7. hello John, your paintings are very beautiful, but I have a problem for the faires, it is that I do not speak English and your videos are not translated with under titles. Another problem, it is that we do not see the mixtures of painting that you make.

    1. +MegaGuijo Thank you for your comment... I will try my best to add subtitles on my next videos or even in my existing videos. The problem is that it takes time to do it. So I might be patient. And also I only speak English than any other foreign language. I added the paint mixtures on the video just watch it. Thanks again hope you have patience.

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