Learn how to paint sunrise beach with crashing waves and rocky mountains in step by step instructional acrylic painting tutorial. Please hit like, comment and subscribe for more videos.
This was suggested by Joy Pittura... Thank you very much!
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Prelude No. 23 by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://chriszabriskie.com/preludes/
Artist: http://chriszabriskie.com/
I Love your Sunrise beach, learned a lot from your technics and I think I will try to paint it.
thank you sir... That's great!
Beautiful as always!!!
Thank you for posting these painting lessons. I've learnt a lot (and I'm still learning!). Your art is amazing.
The waves look epic! The sky also!😄😄👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼 well done!
John, what brand of bushes are you using and where did you buy them. Love your paintings and your method. I've learned so much about mixing colors from you. Thank you. Ron
+John magne Lisondra (JMLisondra) Thank you.
you're welcome Ron... Most of my brushes are "Best Buy" and the quality are not that good compare to expensive one but I like its softness which is good for acrylics... Thank you very much!
I think you are a wonderful artist. you inspire me so much with your art.
How much do you sell this painting?
around $100 sir converted from my currency
superb sir as always
This was so cool, I love painting landscapes using timelapse on my channel!: your awesome!
thank you.. I've watched your video...
This is awesome.. thank you for your tip on how I can incorporate the bahay-kubo with these tutorials. I can see it clearly now. Finally I can paint the beautiful memories back home, maraming salamat..
walang anuman po Maam... maraming salamat din sa pagsubaybay... and good luck po sa gagawin nyo...
Thank u thank u thank u your the greatest
you're very welcome... and thank you..
lovely...u r too good
Another awesome painting, one tip for future reference though ..... never use a pencil to draw out your concept better use kids chalk........ pencil you will not get rid off you see pencil under your painting 🙁 < speaking from experience :(> while chalk can be over painted or with a damp brush or cloth removed 🙂 kids chalk is cheap and comes in various colors and even can be used over acrylics! 🙂
oh I am sorry Maam.. Well, anyway thank you very much for the suggestions... And thanks for this conversation... I also learn something...
+John magne Lisondra (JMLisondra) wow . Anyway this comment was not specifically addressed to you but moreover for new artists that just starting out. it is always good to know that there are a lot of ways to get the same results. but said that. ... with the very limited resources you have you are an excellent amazing artist oh and I am not a sir lololo
thanks sir.... I am living in a small town in a 3rd world country which I have a very limited resources to use... Even buying materials still need to travel for 161km... I do not know if I can find that chalk pencils... so I will use every resources I have.. No matter how limited it is.. Anyway, I am a self-taught artist and I'm still experimenting since....
+John magne Lisondra (JMLisondra) very good. btw for very fine details there are now chalk pencils for sale. . just saying lol for every problem there is a good solution lol
anyway I will incorporate that on the next videos so others will know.. thank you.
Really amazing! I'm learning so much from you 🙂
A beautiful painting! I love the sky!
amazing again 🙂
thank you sir.
Once again thank you John.
you're welcome Tony... thank you for visiting.. 🙂
Thank you such brilliant painting
you're welcome Maam.. and thank you for watching my video... 🙂