Learn how to paint a cherry tree which has a pink flowers. In this tutorial you will learn on painting the basic of a cherry blossom tree like it's pink flowers and dark trunk. Please hit like, add some comments and subscribe for more videos.
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Background Music:
Prelude No. 23 by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://chriszabriskie.com/preludes/
Artist: http://chriszabriskie.com/
Intro Template: https://www.youtube.com/user/IntrosYou
Thank you very much John Magne L isodra I really love this video very much it help me a lot
Are you a Filipino?
One question why wouldn't you first draw the trunk of the tree and then paint the leaves?
You could. Every artist approaches each painting differently.
John..... I love your cherry tree! what kind of #7 round bristle brush do you use? What kind of bristles are there? Is it synthetic or animal hair?
I absolutely love the way you paint trees. Thank you for this great tutorial. I'm going to check out more of your videos.
Where can I buy the exact brushes you use?love your work,so talented!
So beautiful 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀
Thank you so much for your video, your love of painting could be felt through each stroke. Absolutely beautiful result!
فنان رائع يعرف كيف يمكن استخراج اللون الوردي ولون الخشب كما ان له تقنية رائعة في الرسم ماشاء الله عليه
im painting one of these on my wall right now! this helped so much
I am also
can’t wait to try it🥰❤️
Beautiful painting technique ! Can you do a lesson on how to paint rocks !
I didn’t even follow the tutorial till the end and I nailed it!Thanks so much!
I love this video you really made it easy to follow I’m not really an artist or any good at painting but this is a really nice piece that makes me wanna paint ! Thanks
thank you very much... yes it's the basics so anyone can also enjoy painting 🙂
Is it english his native language?
No annie
Very epic painting, thanks this helped me improved
You're welcome Veronica.. And thank you
Hi John! I really appreciate this tutorial - your step by step technique was very easy to follow and you take care to speak clearly, not to mention your painting turned out fantastic! I’m very excited to follow it and I subscribed ten minutes in because I knew I’d be watching every single one of your videos. Thank you!
Thank u for this awesome tutorial, my art really improved thanks:)
This painting is so beautiful sir amazing