Learn how to paint a cherry tree which has a pink flowers. In this tutorial you will learn on painting the basic of a cherry blossom tree like it's pink flowers and dark trunk. Please hit like, add some comments and subscribe for more videos.
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Background Music:
Prelude No. 23 by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://chriszabriskie.com/preludes/
Artist: http://chriszabriskie.com/
Intro Template: https://www.youtube.com/user/IntrosYou
I love art
Absoutely amazing, thank you.
Eres un buen maestro porque esplicas todo . Lo que usas los colores me encanta y así uno aprende a mesclae los colores . 👍🏽el 1/10 te doy un 10%
hello im a new subscriber! thank you for this tutorial, it is really helpful! my art is beautiful and improve! 😊
you're welcome and thank you 🙂 welcome here 🙂
Thank you sooooo much this helped me a lot
Wonderful painting!! Watched entire tutorial! Great job! I just a bit of trouble in the beginning with the roubd brush. I made it look more flat that roubd. I added a little too much pressure so im gonna paint another lol. Great tips!
Do you keep misting the paint on the palette to prevent it from drying up quickly ?
were i can find this brushes ? in america or saudi
John this is really beautiful can you make a tutorial of a purple with blue tree plz
Beautiful!! I totally love the composition of the colour give an effective 3d effect!!
it really work
What a dimension your trees get!
Gorgeous. My favourite tree. I'm lucky to have a large one in my garden. Look forward to painting it
Can you please suggest me a painting brush and canvas for cherry blossom tree.
Hi John!! Your paintings are awesome
beautiful paint !!! john...do you speak spanish?
thank you Juan.. sorry but i don't 🙂
Awesome..thank you John...
Learning from ur videos..u do really a good work