Learn how to paint coconut tree acrylic painting lesson. Start from scratch until finishing a whole coconut tree painting. I apologized for a little crappy video quality.
Thank you for watching!
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Is That You or Are You You by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://chriszabriskie.com/reappear/
Artist: http://chriszabriskie.com/
thanks john,your painting tutorials helped me a lot
you're welcome... thank you for following.
Great tutorial! I am off to paint one now. Thanks
Thanks again John! your tutorials are so very helpful 😊
+Sky Ryder you're welcome.. thank you for watching... 🙂
very nice
+Hasna Ragoomundun thank you.
I think u have to speak more. Can you explain how is diferent in acrilic or water paint hi from dominicana
+Edwar Pelaez Yeah... on my new videos I used my real voice... Not so different because it uses the same medium... Acrylic is water base and water paint depends on water like watercolor...
You, re so inspirin me it so realistc and tryin to make this be painter an your slow an music so quiet
+Edwar Pelaez thank you
what do you use to create the computer voice?
Check out my palm tree painting! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBqSPK3bbu8
John magne Lisondra great drawing
+Jake Mealey awesome! thanks for sharing.
Your videos are amazing!!! please keep uploading more videos! You're doing this painting on canvas? Also, could you please suggest me any other kind of materials other than canvas for acrylic painting?
Thank you so much sir. I did this painting in a board. So you can use paper board aside from canvas... its thicker than normal paper.
Very nice.
+Tina Tran thanks very much!
Splendid tutorial, thank you for sharing.
For all you painters out there. I am looking for a little advice since I am somewhat new to painting.
Question: Do you find it easier to paint at an angle on a easel, flat on a table, or straight up and down on a wall?
+John magne Lisondra (JMLisondra) thanks! 🙂
Its easier on a flat table but on a smaller painting... the best place is on an angle easel because you can sit properly.
I love your work simple and looks very hyper realistic!
Thank you so much for your appreciation.
Soooo realistic!
i enjoy the video it was easy to fallow and i like the narrative voice
Thank you Upcomeing Artists.. 🙂
thank you for sharing sir!