Learn how to paint a simple still life painting with a seashell and books in an instructional step step by step acrylic painting tutorial for beginners. In this lesson you will learn how to add shadows and highlights in simple objects. Please hit like, add some comments and subscribe for more videos.
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Traceable and Reference Photos here: http://www.jmlisondra.com/blog/v/Traceable_and_Reference_Photo_of_Still_Life_with_Seashell_and_Books
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Background Music:
Prelude No. 23 by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://chriszabriskie.com/preludes/
Artist: http://chriszabriskie.com/
Intro Template: https://www.youtube.com/user/IntrosYou
Supper 🖌 Wau 👍
thank you Christina..
I LOVE to watch you paint...so beautiful
Thank you so much... Were all scared.. Yet we know we have the Lord on our side... Thank you again
+Glenda Wilkins I pray for your safety Glenda... May God be with you all...
Your so welcome... Please Pray for us in Florida
thank you Glenda
Very, very nice. I sent you a pic of my book painting I did awhile back on Facebook.
yes thank you Mannette 🙂
So pretty! I wish I could see the real books and shells side by side with the painting.
yes thank you :).. I have shown it on the new video with this painting 🙂
Super 👍👍👍
v nice work!!
Your awesome as always...
This gorgeous painting is beautiful
Art of John Magne Lisondra no thanks of duty
You can download the traceable here guys... http://www.jmlisondra.com/blog/v/Traceable_and_Reference_Photo_of_Still_Life_with_Seashell_and_Books
Amazing video...Thanks for sharing..
Love this! New and exciting! Great lesson thank you very much!!!! Beautiful shell 💖💖💖xxx
you're welcome Deidra and thank you very much! 🙂
Caracola tan real que parece la vas a coger 👌👌👌 👍👍👍 ( valencia España )
muchas gracias Mari
Manda muito muito muito
amazing. you make it look so easy. can't wait to try it. thanks again awesome
thank you Lysette 🙂
With limited colors, you my friend, create MAGIC!
thank you Lola.. 🙂
رائع جدا😇😇😇😊😀
Man this is new and exciting!!! I think you just passed Kevin Hill on this one!! Grt art work brother!!
thank you very much bro..
Love the shell!
Carol Schultz جميلة
Gracias por tus enseñanzas, te sigo hace tiempo, me encanta tu trabajo, ojala te pudieramos escuchar en español. Saludos desde Chile. Trabajaré para lograr la caracola!!!
usted es bienvenido .. espero que pueda tener traducciones españolas en esto.